
Speaking Engagements

Bob Seawright is a regular industry speaker for a variety of events and conferences on topics ranging from investing to retirement planning to cognitive and behavioral biases to hedge fund replication strategies. He has spoken in front or on behalf of major investment firms (such as Merrill Lynch, WorldSource Financial Management and Madison Avenue Securities), conferences (such as the Think Retirement Income conference, the Retirement Income Symposium and S&P’s Diversifying Income and Innovations in Asset Allocation event), industry advocacy groups (such as the Retirement Income Industry Association), specialty organizations (such as Morningstar, Standard & Poor’s, the Financial Planning Association, BrighTALK and the Information Management Network), and consumer groups (such as the American Association of Individual Investors). If you would like Bob to speak at your conference or event, please contact him at abovethemarketblog[at]gmail.com.

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